Raw garlic can help in treating premature ejaculation and other problems in men. Cut 3- 4 cloves of garlic mixed with a spoonful honey can be chewed  or drank with a class cup of water, makes of a difference in your premature ejaculation and help your remain healthy as well.

 Garlic can be fried in pure cow’s ghee to remove the heat from it and retain its aphrodisiac properties. Garlic will help reduce erectile dysfunction and stop premature ejaculation.


Onions seeds help as an aphrodisiac and can help in controlling premature ejaculation by prolonging your sexual capacities.

 Take a spoon of the seeds of green onions and add it to one glass of water. Mix well and drink this before every meal you have.

 You can slice the onion and mixed with honey taken daily.

This will improve your stamina and power to control your ejaculation.

The white variety of onion too is a great aphrodisiac which can strengthen the reproductive organs and prevent premature ejaculation.


Chop two carrots and mix it with a half boiled egg. Add one tablespoon of honey to this. This can be taken every day for about three months. You will slowly feel a noticeable difference in your problem and will feel much better after three months. You can reduce the intake of this remedy once the situation improves.


Ginger helps in heating the body up and improving the blood circulation. Consuming ginger improves the blood flow to the penis as well which is helpful in retaining the erection and preventing premature ejaculation.

Take half a teaspoon of ginger and the same amount of honey and add this to a glass of warm milk. Drink this before you are off to bed and you will surely notice the change.


Premature ejaculation in older men can be the result of problems related to the prostate. To control prostate problems and to prevent its occurrence, castor oil can be used for massaging into the prostate gland.

Apply castor oil in the perinea region which is the area in between the anal opening and the testicles. Massage in a circular motion and then in longer, gentle strokes starting from the anus to the base of your penis.


Aphrodisiacs can improve your libido and prevent premature ejaculation. This would include carrots, fennel seeds, celery, bananas, garlic, onion, ginger, shellfish, lettuce etc.Including these foods in your daily diet will ensure that you remain free from sexual problems, including premature ejaculation.


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