Health benefits of Scent leaf: Effirin.

The Scent Leaf-"EFINRIN" The scent leaf the Yoruba call it "Efirin" is an important vegetable.It's manifold medicinal usages. The "efirin" is a very peculiar plant in the tropics. It is a shrub that grows up to 1-2m in height. Since ancient times, this plant has been connected with the traditional treatment of fever, hence its acronyms such as "fever plant","fever leaf","mosquito plant" as well as "scent leaf"It is commonly grown around houses as a mosquito repellant. The botanical name of "efinrin", the scent leaf is "Ocimum grattissimum, Family Labiatae". The many uses to which the plant is subjected to locally are incredible. To mention some of the uses, the leaf serves as a decongestant for head colds, bronchitis and sinusitis. 
The pulped foilage is belived to have antiseptic properties. 
The leaf is also chewed traditionally for all tooth and gum disorders.


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